丹佛十博官方网址协会在丹佛举办了数十场十博官方网址和十博官方网址国家的文化活动. 我们举办法式快乐 Hour every last Thursday of each month, 除了六月, 7月, 10月, 12月(由于其他原因) 活动/假期)一个十博吧官网读书俱乐部以及一个欧洲读书俱乐部和品酒会! Let's not forget the Annual Gala, Bastille Day celebrations and the Fête de la Musique! 





加入我们的旅程,从l 'Alliance franaise de Denver舒适的普罗旺斯. Cynthia will take us on a tour of her home region and 分享如何将十博吧官网生活艺术融入我们的日常生活. We will end the evening with a fun 普罗旺斯-themed trivia, a giveaway and an opportunity to shop unique French products.



Born and raised in a small village of 普罗旺斯, Cynthia moved to Chicago in 2014 to live with her American love. 经过近十年的发展 数字营销, she decides to create Best French Forever, a curated gift and event company, as a way to stay connected to her roots and 与其他亲法人士分享她对普罗旺斯及其工艺的热情. With this new venture, she found her purpose: inspiring women 通过邀请他们在日常生活中注入一点普罗旺斯生活艺术来策划他们喜欢的生活.


Best French Forever提供精心策划的礼品套装和十博吧官网制造的物品来庆祝 生活艺术 in 普罗旺斯. 另外, 你可以预订Best French Forever,为丹佛地区的任何私人活动增添十博吧官网风情:辛西娅喜欢 向参加者介绍该地区的食物、饮料、地理和有趣的事实. Perfect for a bridal shower, a birthday party or a company 团队建设时刻!

地点: 571 Galapago, Denver, CO 80204
Time: 5-7 pm Wednesday December 6th 

5 à 7 Happy Hour November 2023

5 à 7 Happy Hour November 2023


Time: 5-7 pm, Thursday, November 30, 2023 

地点: 571 Galapago St, Denver, CO 80204 


Maria Maria Sings Edith Piaf

Maria Maria Sings Edith Piaf



Swallow Hill Music - Daniels Hall 71 E. Yale Avenue Denver, CO 80210





http://www.哪些.com/e/maria-maria-sings-edith-piaf-tickets-739697032737?utm_experiment=test_share_listing&等于off = ebdsshios [...]



来和丹佛市其他十博官方网址老师交流十博官方网址教学心得! Snacks, drinks, and books will be provided for French teachers 遍布丹佛! 由丹佛十博官方网址联盟和美国十博官方网址教师协会主办. 

*这 event is exclusively for French teachers 

地点: 571 Galapago St, Denver, CO 80204




Intimidated by Burgundian wine? 有些时候,我知道过去的事 ! Burgundy produces the most expensive, unique and sought-after pinot noir and chardonnay in the world.  由于复杂的分类系统、历史和风土条件的变化, 学习曲线是陡峭的. N'ayez pas peur,我们将在下次联盟中分解复杂性并从中获得乐趣 十博吧官网葡萄酒品尝.  侍酒师认证, 葛丽塔Arendsen, 将为您品尝来自勃艮第(夏布利)四个分区的六款葡萄酒, Cote d’or, Côte Maconnais and Côte Chalonnaise).  Come find out what all the fuss is about on November 9th at 6:30 pm at the Galapago location. Space is limited, reserve 你r spot Tout de suite!

地点: 571 Galapago St Denver, CO 80204

Soirée Cinéma: Denver Film Festival

Soirée Cinéma: Denver Film Festival

The Denver Film Festival is proud to present their program for 2023! We have partnered with them to get a $5 discount for our AF 成员. 
在这里 是 国际特色,以及 这是 完整的指南. 这是 code for all our 成员 DFF46AF 

Denver Film Festival presents: 'On the Edge: K维托尔德'

这 film will be in English, French and Polish. 来看看艺术家维托尔德·K (K维托尔德)的遗产吧,他是十博吧官网十博官方网址联盟的长期成员! 更多信息如下.  Use 你r discount to buy a ticket!

 Monday, November 6, 7pm,  at the AMC complex on Colorado Blvd.

世界著名艺术家, K维托尔德, 他是十博官方网址联盟社区的长期成员,许多人会记得他的 openings and paintings being displayed at our gallery in years past. 这 documentary includes interviews with 成员 of our Franco-American community in Denver.

Every life is touched by history, 但有些人却被一些事件席卷而去,这些事件受到了异乎寻常的打击. Such is the case with 90-year-old Witold-K, a Polish-American artist and citizen of the world, whose life tells a story of creativity, 勇气, 和生存. 维特尔的生活 和艺术都是主题 在边缘, 特色 Witold at work in his Denver and Warsaw studios. A dynamic personality and riveting storyteller, 维托尔德回忆起他和他的精神病医生父亲在华沙最大的精神病医院生活的成长岁月 mental institution during the Nazi occupation of Poland, 他在巴黎的流亡生活, traveling in artistic circles that included Pablo Picasso and 诗人雅克·普莱姆维特, 20世纪60年代末,他在纽约继续发展成为一名画家, 在洛杉矶 1969年,他在洛杉矶与导演罗曼·波兰斯基(Roman Polanski)成为了亲密的朋友(可怕的事件发生后的那个晚上,他和波兰斯基在一起) Tate-LaBianca谋杀). Despite a life of turmoil and dislocation, 维托尔德已经成为一个多产和受人尊敬的艺术家(超过50个独奏或 group shows in Europe and the U.S.)  [...]



 这个讲习班是为任何想提高十博官方网址水平的人准备的, 喜欢戏剧, 想找点乐子! Open to French speakers from upper-beginner to “used-to-be fluent”, 参与者将通过演讲了解彼此,并获得自信 游戏和改进. The first of future workshops, 专注的参与者可能有机会计划和准备来自十博官方网址世界的短篇作品.

关于老师: Ronan moved to Colorado From Paris in 2015. He has over 20 years of experience in theater as an actor, director, and teacher. 最近,他在麦岭剧团(Wheat Ridge Theater Company)的《十博吧官网》中扮演Cyrano. Givings in The Next Room with the Theater Company of Lafayette.

地点: 571 Galapago St, Denver, CO 80204 


AFD Gala 2023: La Belle Époque

AFD Gala 2023: La Belle Époque

时隔4年, 丹佛十博官方网址联盟很自豪地宣布我们又回来了我们的年度筹款晚会, 特色 主题为“La Belle Époque”. 我们将很荣幸邀请您参加2023年十博吧官网十博官方网址联盟年度晚会, 的特色主题 ‘La Belle Époque’, on the night of 10月14日星期六th. La Belle Époque字面意思 translates to the beautiful era. Paris’ Belle Époque lasted from 1871 to 1914. During this time, Parisian culture saw several important developments in impressionism, 立体主义, 并将绘画以及平面设计师版画革命为一种精美的艺术形式. 来加入我们吧 as we celebrate this transformational period of time! 着装要求是 鸡尾酒礼服不需要穿衣服 穿着戏服 根据 切题! 

现在票已经出来了,有几种不同的票选择,包括 贵宾

如果你或一个组织 你知道我对 赞助本次活动 or 捐赠 无声拍卖, 请电子邮件 丽贝卡在

We appreciate the support of our growing community! 

Go to our AFD Gala Page to sign up! Registration Closes 10月 7th! [...]



许多人说Rhône谷的葡萄酒是他们最喜欢的十博吧官网葡萄酒, 如果你是其中之一, 我们有品酒会 你!  认证侍酒师葛丽塔Arendsen将带领我们完成这个葡萄酒教育系列的第三节课,重点是 the Northern and Southern Rhône.  本课程将以北部的西拉和维奥尼的品种葡萄酒Rhône和混合葡萄酒为特色 来自南方Rhône. You will learn the history of the region, specifics about allowable grape varieties and winemaking techniques, 并有机会品尝来自小生产商的优质天然葡萄酒.  Space is limited, get 你r tickets soon! 桑特!



French Night with the Colorado Rapids Soccer Team

French Night with the Colorado Rapids Soccer Team

朋友, 家庭, 和玩家被邀请参加十博官方网址之夜,在那里他们将获得特别优惠的门票价格 Rapids home match on March 18th . 任何购买的人都将获得独家的赛后十博官方网址采访凯文·卡布拉尔的机会,门票有限,先到先得. 来为激流队加油,参加这个有趣的十博吧官网之夜 体育场! 

地点:Dick's sports Goods Park, 6000 Victory Way, Commerce City, CO 80022,晚上7:30 

非会员:$30 [...]

French Night with the Rapids

French Night with the Rapids


Annual General Meeting - 2022 @ ISD

Annual General Meeting - 2022 @ ISD




Join us for our monthly meditation sessions in French with Sandi.  In September, the theme is « Regarder profondément les quatre aliments de ma consommation quotidienne ».[...]



了解海地, 享受一些海地食物, while listening to a presentation by Womenful声音, a mentorship program for 你ng 海地女孩.  [...]



今年, 与落基山法裔美国人商会合作, and Denver Sisters Cities Brest, 我们是 hosting a four-day event at Larimer Square.
这 event is FREE, and everyone is welcome..[...]



今年, 与落基山法裔美国人商会合作, and Denver Sisters Cities Brest, 我们是 hosting a four-day event at Larimer Square.
这 event is FREE, and everyone is welcome..[...]

Fête de la Musique - 博尔德的歌剧

Fête de la Musique - 博尔德的歌剧

Purchase 你r 贵宾 ticket for our very private event with 博尔德的歌剧十博吧官网风流韵事》.  这 一小时的活动将在酒馆Vendôme的露天咖啡座举行, 在拉里默广场, 从4:00-5:00pm.  该活动仅限于一个 最多50位客人.


Meditation Session in French

Meditation Session in French

Join us for our monthly meditation sessions in French with Sandi.  In May, the theme is « Restaurer la beauté en moi-même (Restore the beauty in myself) ».[...]



首先我想感谢你教了我这么多十博官方网址. You were a great teacher and 你 helped me learn so many new 的事情. I'd also like to apologize for missing a lot of lessons, although I'm sure that I would've rather gone to them. 再说一次,你是 best teacher I've ever had, and it's sad to say goodbye to 你.


Stephen G.

Alliance Française de Denver created a wonderful virtual environment where I spent my Summer vacation; visiting the winemaking area of Bouzy; celebrating Bastille Day; learning how to cook with flowers; touring historic châteaux and beautiful villages; all in the safety and comfort of my home.

A real treat for any Francophone person; especially having a daily place for French chat to try out and maintain colloquial skills.

Stephen G.


安妮很棒! 材料是快节奏的,让这只“老狗”学习新把戏,但我们不能再慢了. 这是非常 helpful to prepare me for my trip to France.



一个学习和练习十博官方网址的好地方,同时熟悉十博吧官网文化和有趣的人. 我强烈推荐 AFD和他们的活动. 我是十博吧官网人! 等你们?



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